🧙 Motion Estimation: Optical flow

  • Optical flow is the apparent motion of objects or surfaces

Problem Definition Optical Flow

  • How to estimate pixel motion from image I(x, y, t) to I(x, y, t+1)

  • Two key assumptions:

    • color constancy: A point in I(x, y, t) looks the same in I(x', y', t+1). For gray scale images, this is brightness constancy

    • small motion: points do not move very far.

💀 Optical flow constraints (grayscale images)

  1. Brightness constancy constraint (equation)

    1. I(x, y, t) = I(x+v, y+u, t+1)

  2. Small motion (u and v are less than 1 pixel, or smooth) (Taylor serious expansion)

Combining These Two Equations: (1st and 2nd in the previous header's list)

Brightness constancy constraint equation:

📏 Gradient Component of Flow

Aperture Problem

🤔 Additional Flow Constraints

🌠 Smooth Optical Flow

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