Human Vision, Color spaces, Transform


Eyes are such a basic word for us, However it is more profound than just saying it. Eyes are evolved long time ago and today's world a great deal of creatures have complex eyes. Understanding the functioning of eyes contributed a lot to humanbeing and computer vision one of them.

Why do things have eyes:

  • To see other things!

  • Visual stimulus is an important signal

  • Started as photoreceptive protein (eyespots)

How do humans eyes work:

  • Complex!

  • Light passes through

    • Cornea, humours, lens refract light to focus

  • Hit the retina

  • Absorbed by photosensitive cells

  • Info transmitted through optic nerve, processed by visual cortex

RGB is a cube

HSV is cylinder


  • Different model based on perception of light

  • Hue: what color

  • Saturation: how much color

  • Value: how bright

  • Allows easy image transforms

    • Shift the hue

    • Increase saturation

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